
June 20th, 2024: TransFair-AT Stakeholder Dissemination Workshop

On June 20th, 2024, TransFair-AT team organised a Dissemination Workshop at WIFO to discuss key modelling results with Austrian stakeholders. In the first part of the workshop, results from economic modelling, mobility modelling and modelling of the buildings sector were presented by the project team. In the second part of the workshop, options to mitigate social hardships arising in the transition were discussed with the stakeholders in group work. The presentations held by the modelling team can be downloaded here.

April 4th, 2024: TransFair-AT Presentation at 24. Österreichischer Klimatag

On April 4th, 2024, Paul Pfaffenbichler presented preliminary results on the social impacts of the decarbonisation of passenger transport at the 24. Österreichischer Klimatag hosted by TU Wien. The simulation results show i.a. that around one quarter of the car trips currently made by mobility-poor households cannot be replaced by other means of transportation. The presentation slides can be downloaded here.

September 7th, 2023: TransFair-AT Presentation at European Transport Conference 2023

On Semptember 7th, 2023, Paul Pfaffenbichler presented first results from the mobility modelling work in the TransFair-AT project at the European Transport Conference 2023 of the Association of European Transport in Milan. The simulation results show how a decarbonisation of passenger transport can be achieved in Austria by 2040. The presentation slides can be downloaded here.

April 17th, 2023: TransFair-AT Expert Workshop on Modelling

On April 17th, 2023, the TransFair-AT team organised an expert workshop on modelling at WIFO. In the first part of the workshop, the four models used for the analyses in TransFair-AT &ndash DYNK, MARS, SERAPIS & Invert/EE-lab – were presented. The second part of the workshop focused on the approach for model linkage, putting emphasis on the data to be exchanged between the models. The discussions with the selected Austrian experts provided valuable input; the findings from the workshop will be incorporated into further project work. The presentation (in German) providing an overview of the models and the approach for linking can be downloaded here.

April 11th-13th, 2023: TransFair-AT Presentation at Klimatag

Claudia Kettner presented the TransFair-AT project on behalf of the entire project team at the ACRP sessions at the 23rd Klimatag in Leoben. The presentation and the poster summarised the aims of the project and the methodological approach, as well as the progress of the project. The project received valuable feedback by the ACRP Steering Committee that will be integrated in the future work. The poster and the presentation are available at the website of the the 23rd Klimatag or can be downloaded here.

September 14th, 2022: TransFair-AT Presentation at ESPAnet Austria conference

On September 14th, 2022, Julia Bock-Schappelwein presented a TransFair-AT paper at the 5th ESPAnet Austria Conference in Vienna. The presentation focused on the impacts of rising energy prices on vulnerable households. For assessing the vulnerability of households to increases in energy prices, a composite index covering four dimensions (income poverty, energy poverty, housing conditions, transport conditions) and seven indicators was proposed. Preliminary results for Austria show that in 2019 about 13% of households were vulnerable to high energy prices. The presentation (in German) can be downloaded here.

March 31th, 2022: TransFair-AT Stakeholder Workshop on Climate Policy

On March 31st 2022, an online workshop was held to discuss characteristics of households that might be particularly vulnerable to climate policy measures, particularly carbon pricing, as well as climate policy scenarios in the context of a decarbonisation of passenger transport and housing in Austria.


Claudia Kettner-Marx

Austrian Institute of Economic Research

A-1030 Wien, Arsenal, Objekt 20