Work Package 4: Synthesis and Policy Recommendations


Policy recommendations for Austria will be developed based on the modelling results, a literature review and stakeholder discussions. First, the modelling results will deliver insights into the impacts of a carbon tax or a balanced mix of policy instruments for achieving decarbonisation of passenger transport and residential buildings. Another result regards the specific vulnerabilities of the defined household types in terms of reduced income, consumption and employment possibilities. Depending on the level of disaggregation reached in the analytical work, it will be possible to discuss implications for sub-groups of the population, defined by quantiles of the income distribution as well as by characteristics such as regional distribution. Specific attention will be paid to the gender dimension of distributional burdens related to the introduction of price mechanisms.

Given the model results we will develop recommendations on how potential negative effects of the climate policy instruments on the (most vulnerable) household types can be mitigated. This will include a comprehensive discussion of the role of different revenue recycling options as well as a literature survey regarding other targeted measures.

The policy recommendations will be developed in cooperation with stakeholders (e.g. interest groups, ministries, NGOs) ensuring the usability of the project results in policy making. A stakeholder workshop (WP5) will be organised to discuss the policy recommendations.

Last update: November 2021